Mom is Always Right

Growing up, I used to roll my eyes at the constant advice from my mom. From my phone habits to my eating choices and my late-night lifestyle, she was always a critic. But you know what? She was right all along. Take food, for example. Did you know that India…

Do Your Homework First!

You know what? Life has this funny way of testing our patience, and there’s no better example than the classic marshmallow experiment. Kids were given a choice: eat one marshmallow now, or wait a bit and get two. The results? Those who held off—those who resisted the urge—…

Dear Indians, What Changes at Immigration?

You know what really hit me during my Japan trip? It wasn't just how clean everything was - it was how people actually cared about their country and culture. The Japanese aren't shy about showing off their heritage. From their perfectly maintained temples to how they…

The case of Over-Stimulated Brain

In today's fast-paced and technologically advanced world, it's becoming increasingly common for people to experience an over-stimulated brain. People cannot focus for long periods, and shorter attention spans have become the norm. In this post, I'll explore the source of this problem and the…